Setting Up A Sample Scrapy Pipeline For CouchDB
As I was surprised that there is not much (recent) information out there on using CouchDB (which appears to me as far underestimated DB) with Scrapy »
As I was surprised that there is not much (recent) information out there on using CouchDB (which appears to me as far underestimated DB) with Scrapy »
Sometimes it is necessary to do some initial exploration in huge data files like a .csv without a GUI: Sometimes you might only have a terminal »
A few weeks back at talpasolutions I needed - only for performance testing purposes - to import a .tsv file (round about 600,000 lines with »
This is a post you do not need to read. There is no why in it. Just art. With Redis 5, besides the new native data »
If you've ever wanted to try out some of the Redis Modules which were introduced in v4.0 it has never been easier than now: " »
Following a previous, more introductory blog post on Neo4j and two of their GraphQL projects this post shows how to use Neo4j with GraphQL based on »
Following two previous blog posts about data modeling with Redis (Data Types Visualization and German Postcodes Geoposition) this post advances the German Postcodes data model by »
Whereas GaphQL usually requires you to write resolvers for each operation Neo4j has started two projects on Github which provide "auto-translation" from GraphQL queries »
Following the previous, more general blog post about data modeling with Redis (data types visualization), this post covers a specific example: Storing and retrieving German postcodes »
This post is a short introduction to data structures available in Redis. Nothing new, right? Right. However, the chosen approach here is to visualize the most »