A couple of weeks ago Docker released Version 1.12 with the new Docker Swarm Mode which is now integrated in Docker Engine, and thus no longer container-based.
With this comes a whole bunch of built-in orchestration, load-balancing, scheduling and other features bringing Docker and its platform closer to other Datacenter Operating Systems (DCOS) such as Mesos or Kubernetes.
Link List
Here is a link list with interesting blog posts, slides and videos on these new features:
Docker 1.12 adds the largest and most sophisticated set of features into a single release since the beginning of the Docker project.
(Docker) Blog Post: Docker Built-In Orchestration Ready For Production: Docker 1.12 Goes GA:
What's New in Docker 1.12
Docker Online Meetup #40: Docker 1.12:
Slides: http://de.slideshare.net/Docker/whats-new-in-docker-112-by-mike-goelzer-and-andrea-luzzardi
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joFYGbqjLBc
Docker 1.12 Swarm Mode – Under the hood
Understanding Node Failure Handling under Docker 1.12 Swarm Mode
Blog Post: http://collabnix.com/archives/1445
Blog Post: http://collabnix.com/archives/1464
Trying the new docker 1.12 swarm mode locally using machine
Blog Post: http://blog.mantika.io/docker-1.12-swarm/
Build a Swarm Cluster on Docker 1.12
Blog Post: https://medium.com/devopstricks/build-a-swarm-cluster-on-docker-1-12-7cf14fd5094b#.i12uwtig8
3 Node Swarm Cluster in 30 seconds (Docker 1.12)
Blog Post: http://www.johnzaccone.io/3-node-cluster-in-30-seconds/
Create a swarm cluster with Docker 1.12 swarm mode
Deploy a service with Swarm mode of Engine 1.12
Blog Post: http://lucjuggery.com/blog/?p=566
Blog Post: http://lucjuggery.com/blog/?p=582
Scale a real microservice with Docker 1.12 Swarm Mode
Blog Post: http://blog.alexellis.io/microservice-swarm-mode/