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How To Use Docker Swarm DNS and Its Service Names in Nginx Upstream

Of course there are other great tools out there like e.g. traefik with a lot of add-on functionality but this post quickly shows how you can use a regular Nginx Docker image as a kind of ingress controller to your Docker Swarm stacks and its services. >>

arne on docker, dcos | 31 DECEMBER 2023

Docker Cheat Sheet Update

Does anyone actually still care about Docker cheat sheets? All abstracted away by k8s & co.? Started with the promise to abstract "away" efforts on infrastructure and deployment, docker now itself got abstracted away by the resource hungry (in many regards) monster of k8s. >>

arne on docker, linux, dcos | 20 DECEMBER 2022

Setting Up A Sample Scrapy Pipeline For CouchDB

As I was surprised that there is not much (recent) information out there on using CouchDB (which appears to me as far underestimated DB) with Scrapy this post demonstrates the very basic steps it takes to set up a Scrapy pipeline for CouchDB which directly imports all scraped items via the python-cloudant CouchDB client. >>

arne on nosql, couchdb, python | 13 MARCH 2021

Using NFS for Development on Mac OS with a Bare-Metal Linux Docker Host Bind Mount

This post describes how to develop on a relatively weak MacBook Air (without the M1 chip ;->) with Mac OS and let the containers run natively on a relatively strong bare-metal Intel NUC with Manjaro Linux (connected via the DOCKER_HOST ENV VAR) on the same local network. >>

arne on docker, linux, mac os | 11 DECEMBER 2020

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